Thursday, 10 October 2013

Good deed for the day, which wasn't at all planned, but having made that resolution I'm now on the lookout for possible good deeds  - this thing is life-changing! It went like this: I find a nice wide car parking space and promptly park.  A van comes along behind me and pauses, then the driver asks me if there is a space two cars along.  I look and confirm, but see it might be tricky for him to get into it due to other cars parked very close by on the road.  Good deed comes into my mind.  I say: "Would you like me  to go in that space, then you can have this one?"  Driver is immensely grateful and I purr with altruistic feelings!  Ha ha!
Lovely day - it's raining, in showers, the sort of rain that penetrates and rejuvenates the soil, making it come alive with funghi, invertebrate life and busy plant roots. It's difficult to find other people who appreciate rain, but one of my friends does.  Cheers, B!

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